Zero Kattas

Zero Kattas or Tic Tac Toe

Zero Kattas is a offline game. You can play this with your friends as well as alone with AI having different difficulties level.

Zero Kattas is a Hindi name of famous game Tic Tac Toe. We play this game in our childhood that’s why we created this for our phone so that we can play anywhere anytime without any paper or pen.

Zero Kattas is a game cotaining 3X3 matrices and played by two players, For you, we recommend the low cost India vps Server if one player make its diagonal, vertical or horzontally pairs then he win the match.

At starting you have to choose your symbols to play and then you can start play with your friends or play by owns.

You can download this game by playstore:

  1. Go to your playstore and Search Zero Kattas.
Zero Kattas

2. Now you will find 1st one is Zero Kattas, Please make sure that you are on correct page.

Zero Kattas

No download Zero Kattas game and you can start play.

for direct download you can click below plays tore link: